Sunday 31 January 2016

Chiquito • Eating Out Vegan

I had an invite to a birthday meal at Chiquito, I have only heard of this place a little. this made me really anxious to wether or not they had a Vegan option at all! I did a bit of research before I went because i had to choose what I wanted a week before. I found the Veganuary website really helpful as they explain all the vegan options which you can find HERE.
I opted for the Roasted Vegetable Fajitas, to be honest I wasn't expecting a lot. I was expecting to get one maybe to fajitas on my plate, but of wow I was happily surprised when they brought out my food! The brought out vegetable screwers on top of a pile of vegetables, on a sizzling tray! Which looked amazing and then also I then had another tray given to me. On this tray was 2 portions or guacamole and 2 portions of salsa, as I opted for no sour cream and cheese, as obviously not Vegan. Also on this side tray was 3 fajita wraps, so I could make my own wraps! I filled them up so much and still had vegetables left over! It tasted so yummy! I want to go back! I highly recommend this place! All the staff were nice and helpful too!!
Sorry my pictures aren't the best, the lighting was terrible and I was so hungry!

Saturday 23 January 2016

My Exercise Routine • January 25th

I try to exercise everyday, to be good to my body and keep healthy. Even though i exercise everyday I don't constantly do hardcore working out! Some days I might just go for a walk rather than the gym. Both are good as long as you get your body moving! I am to do at least 30 minutes a day or a variety of exercise. Today, January 19th, I did a longer workout because I had a couple of rest days with barely any intense exercise so heres what I did:

  • 4K on the Treadmill
  • 3 Strength Machines: 10 reps x2
  • 20 Crunches
  • 20 Heel Touches
  • 20 Hip Raises
  • 30 Russian twists
  • 15 Donkey kick (per leg)
  • 20 Deadlift with 5kg

I thought I should add progress shots of me at the bottom of this post, and maybe start making it a weekly occurrence. This is to not just motive you but to also motivate me! i don't look the best but this is the beginning! I'm hoping over coming months to see progress if I stay on track. I am not doing any quick fix diet so not expecting change over a month, but over a couple months.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Gourmet Burger Kitchen • A Vegan and Vegetarian NO GO!

Gourmet Burger Kitchen's most recent ad campaign is vile and disgusting! It should be removed straight away! I first saw it and had to do a double take because it was so wrong! As Vegans I think we all know that we are the minority of society and we all know people that are close to us that are not Vegan. We have to have dinner with them or even eat out with them and we have to keep quiet. But GBKs new ad campaign is horrible and belittling and targeting vegetarians and Vegans.

An answer to there question ... YES I BECAME VEGAN! I can't believe they are promoting animal abuse, we all know that there are few places that are 100% Vegan, so they agree with the mistreatment and murder of poor animals, but to have this plastered on posters on public transport just shocked me! I am the only Vegan in my family and always have to have family dinners and meals out with non-Vegans and not once have I step by step gone through the stages of a slaughter house or brought up my Veganism unless I was asked or it felt necessary. But for a company to go out of there way and target us Vegans and Vegetarians is disgraceful. Which makes Gourmet Burger Kitchen a 100% NO GO FOR VEGANS AND VEGETARIANS. Even though they may have options for us, they obviously don't care as seen from there ads.

Saturday 16 January 2016

Vegan Buffet Ideas

Are you planning on hosting a buffet that is fully vegan but satisfies non vegans as well? Well look know further, I recently created a buffet for six people (enough food for double) and everyone enjoyed it! I was nervous as not only was this my first time cooking for more than my family, I also wanted everyone to be impressed with my vegan food!! So heres what I did...

 Couscous Salad (Find Recipe Here)

Spinach, Mushroom and Tofu Quiche (Find Recipe Here)

Leek and Mushroom Parcels (Find Recipe Here)

Vegan Pigs in Blanket (Find Recipe Here)

and then I just added sides of veg and stuffing which don't need recipes and then sweet potato fries which you can find the recipe for here.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

No Pigs Harmed In A 'Blanket' • Compassionate Twist On A Favourite

I think I came across this idea online and instantly fell in love with it!! Its Perfect for a side or as part of a buffet! Why do we need to have a poor insane pig murdered to 'settle' out taste buds? I don't know either. This twist on a classic is healthier and in my view a lot tastier! Simply all you need is a packet of vegan sausages, i used Vbites, and a jar of sundried tomatoes! Simply cook the sausages as instructed, cut them up, put them on a cocktail stick and add a sundried tomato! Trust me it tastes so good! ... I may be bias as I love sundried tomatoes!

Friday 8 January 2016

Leek and Mushroom Parcels

I found inspiration for these online just thinking it would be a nice side to accomplish a buffet. BUT WOW THESE TASTE SO GOOD! Not only did I love them everyone I served them to did as well!! I even used the left over mixture to then make pasty's for everyone! I've even been asked to make these again!

  • Shortcrust Pastry, I used JustRol ready made (fully vegan)
  • 3 Chopped Leeks
  • Around 10 Mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 Garlic Cloves
  • 1 Tbsp Mixed Herbs
  • 2 Tbsp of Cashew Cream, Ingredients (simply blend until puree):
    • 1/2 Cup of soaked Cashews
    • 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
    • 1/2 Cup of Water
  1. Pulse the leek and garlic in a food processor
  2. Add a dash of water and leek mixture to a frying pan over a medium heat for around 3 minutes
  3. Add mushrooms and herbs, cook for a further 4 minutes
  4. Remove from the heat and mix in the cashew cream
  5. Pre heat the oven to 200C
  6. Meanwhile use a circle cookie cutter and cut up your pastry
  7. Then to each circle add 1 heaped tbsp of filling
  8. Its easier to use a muffin tray whilst cooking to keep shape of parcels, I didn't and my parcels opened
  9. Bake for 25 minutes

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Spinach and Tofu Quiche

One thing that all my family loves is the Quiche I used to make before I was vegan, so I am extremely determined to make a vegan version... Because I am 100% obviously not going to create anything non vegan again! This recipe tasted yummy though didn't make me think oh my gosh I love it. Though I will share the recipe as it still tasted nice.

  • JustRol Short Crust Pastry (fully vegan)
  • 400g Fresh Spinach
  • 1 Onion, chopped
  • 100g Mushrooms
  • 340g Tofu, Pressed prior
  • Seasoning (To your taste I added Parsley but thought it didn't taste right)
  1. Pre heat your oven to 190C
  2. Cook the Spinach in a saucepan of boiling water for 3 minutes
  3. Add a splash of water to a frying pan and fry the onion and mushrooms
  4. Blend your tofu, to get a thick puree consistency
  5. Add the blended tofu to a mixing boll, stir in seasoning, onions, mushrooms and spinach
  6. Place the ready made pastry over a quiche dish (or similar)
  7. Add the mixture
  8. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes

Friday 1 January 2016

Summertime Couscous Salad

I named this recipe 'summertime' just because its a light option, obviously you don't have to wait until summer to eat it! It makes a nice lunch or a healthy light dinner! I just named it after the summer season because I'm excited to sit in the sun munching away on this yummy recipe!
This recipe is so simple! It literally takes no time and has a delightful pleasing result!
I used this recipe as part of a buffet, if you want buffet ideas you can find them here!


  • 1 cup of uncooked Couscous
  • 1 cup of boiling Water
  • 6 Spring Onions
  • 1 Red Pepper
  • 3/4 cup of Almonds
  1. Add the boiling Water to the Couscous
  2. Cut up the Onions, Peppers and Almonds
  3. Simply mix together and you're done!