Tuesday 19 January 2016

Gourmet Burger Kitchen • A Vegan and Vegetarian NO GO!

Gourmet Burger Kitchen's most recent ad campaign is vile and disgusting! It should be removed straight away! I first saw it and had to do a double take because it was so wrong! As Vegans I think we all know that we are the minority of society and we all know people that are close to us that are not Vegan. We have to have dinner with them or even eat out with them and we have to keep quiet. But GBKs new ad campaign is horrible and belittling and targeting vegetarians and Vegans.

An answer to there question ... YES I BECAME VEGAN! I can't believe they are promoting animal abuse, we all know that there are few places that are 100% Vegan, so they agree with the mistreatment and murder of poor animals, but to have this plastered on posters on public transport just shocked me! I am the only Vegan in my family and always have to have family dinners and meals out with non-Vegans and not once have I step by step gone through the stages of a slaughter house or brought up my Veganism unless I was asked or it felt necessary. But for a company to go out of there way and target us Vegans and Vegetarians is disgraceful. Which makes Gourmet Burger Kitchen a 100% NO GO FOR VEGANS AND VEGETARIANS. Even though they may have options for us, they obviously don't care as seen from there ads.