Saturday 23 January 2016

My Exercise Routine • January 25th

I try to exercise everyday, to be good to my body and keep healthy. Even though i exercise everyday I don't constantly do hardcore working out! Some days I might just go for a walk rather than the gym. Both are good as long as you get your body moving! I am to do at least 30 minutes a day or a variety of exercise. Today, January 19th, I did a longer workout because I had a couple of rest days with barely any intense exercise so heres what I did:

  • 4K on the Treadmill
  • 3 Strength Machines: 10 reps x2
  • 20 Crunches
  • 20 Heel Touches
  • 20 Hip Raises
  • 30 Russian twists
  • 15 Donkey kick (per leg)
  • 20 Deadlift with 5kg

I thought I should add progress shots of me at the bottom of this post, and maybe start making it a weekly occurrence. This is to not just motive you but to also motivate me! i don't look the best but this is the beginning! I'm hoping over coming months to see progress if I stay on track. I am not doing any quick fix diet so not expecting change over a month, but over a couple months.