Sunday 6 December 2015

Animal Aid's Christmas Fayre • London 2015

What a cute, cosy, christmas day out! I have been counting down the days until Animal Aid's Christmas Fayre since London VegFest in October! It certainly didn't disappoint! It cost only £2 to enter and there were a variety of different stands, from chocolates to clothes.  It made me so happy being back in a place with people that thought like me! And that everything I was looking at was created without harming any animal at all!!
As soon as I walked through the door I straight away stocked up on some chocolate as you should! Then I wondered around all the different stalls just chatting to people on the same wave length as me. Its strange how talking to people I don't know at these vegan events, seem to understand me more than people I have known for years.
Overall it was of course smaller than Vegfest but I loved it! You had loads of different charities and different products to buy! I put my name down on every emailing list I could find. I also donated to as many different charities as possible! I love that everyone is coming together to save all of the animals of the World!
Finally the one stand I was most looking forward to was of course Ms. Cupcake aka The Naughtiest Vegan Cakes in Town! At VegFest I bought a cookie from them and it was so delicious! I went back for more but they had sold out :( So this time I was going to take the opportunity with both hands and I was not leaving empty handed! There was so much to choose from! In the end after a lot of deliberation I decided on a couple of there cookies and an Oreo cupcake... YUMMY! I just can't tell you how good they are! They are better than non-vegan bakes! I gave some to my non-vegan friends and they said the same thing!! 10/10 to Ms. Cupcake! Hopefully it won't be long until we meet again!